The Market has now re-opened. The Club has returned to meetings in person and run them in conjunction with Zoom. Arrangements may vary each week. Please confirm venue below or via the website here.
Please note this week is an EVENING MEETING at Cilantro 6.30pm For full location details, please refer here.
The meeting will NOT BE available on Zoom
Edition 168
Monday, 6th May 2024
Message from our President
What an interesting speaker we had last week. Louise Godfrey outlined some of the benefits Yoga can have on our everyday health and lifestyle. It was good to see so many members take up the challenge to get involved in the actual physical activity. It was good to watch so many members bounce up and skip to the car park after the meeting. It is also heartening to see attendance numbers getting back to normal.
This weeks meeting is an evening meeting with our guest speaker, artist Madeline Popper, Cilantro will also be featuring one of their Le Cordon Bleu buffet specials.
Just a reminder to all incoming Board members and Committee chairs of this years District Assembly which will be held online between May 13th and 17th. These sessions provide valuable background and guidance to assist you in your year ahead. Pres. Elect Tim Lynch has all the details for the required registration and will provide you with the link.
Yours in Rotary ‘Create Hope in The World.’
President Ron Brownlees
Roster for the next 2 weeks
Meeting Chairman refer here for help
Note Market start time is 6.15am
Click on See all Rosters at right for future weeks. Members click here to see your own roster.
Meeting May 8th, 2024
Chairperson Carruthers, Kellie
Cashier Langridge, Samantha
Cashier Green, Larry
Regalia Perry, Grant
Meeting May 15th, 2024
Chairperson Kane, Terry
Cashier Gartly, Geoff
Cashier O'Brien, Peter
Regalia Kempton, Alan
Market May 12th , 2024
Market Leader Ferguson, Paul
Assistant Soster, Karin
Assistant - Langridge, Samantha
Assistant Oliver, Barry
Market May 19th 2024 2023
Market leader Nodrum, Helen
Assistant Kempton, Alan
Assistant - Impey, Jo
Assistant Govan, Brent
This week's speaker / event
Madeline Popper "My Art Today"
“I am legally blind and have learnt not to get frustrated. My work reflects how I perceive, see the world. So, it is brightly coloured, quirky and imperfect.”
Grant Perry was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Geoff Gartly performed invocation and toast to Rotary. Visitors included Dee Mason, Lily, and Simon. Charles Rener and Karin Soster joined the meeting via zoom. Apologies were received from Jo Impey, Paul Ferguson, Linda O'Brien, and Faye Weeks.
PRESIDENT'S REPORT - President Ron Brownlees
ANZAC Day - Our club will present wreaths at the ANZAC dawn services at RSL Bentleigh, and Cheltenham.
District Assembly - This year's district assembly will be conducted over Zoom with separate zoom meetings scheduled. Club officers and incoming committee chairs are encouraged to attend, including newer club members to get a better understanding of Rotary.
To commemorate our ANZACS John performed the Ode of Remembrance by reciting stanzas from the poem For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon. "Lest we Forget".
Secretary Neville was our chairperson for this week's club meeting, and called upon our newest club member, Kevin Egan, to perform invocation and the toast to Rotary. Apologies were received from Helen, Linda, Jo, and Paul. Karin joined the meeting via Zoom.
There was no guest speaker for today's meeting and provided an opportunity to discuss other matters - namely, our wonderful BMC market - our fund raiser that has been going strong for over 40 years and never fails us. We are very lucky.
Well, we had the District Conference this last weekend in Warrnambool.
I am so proud of the contribution of so many of the members of our Club. All of you contributed to the outstanding success of the weekend.
Having attended so many conferences in the past and watched other Clubs help their District Governor I knew how much "in the spotlight" it places the host club.
You all did such a great job. You made me so proud of my Club and I am so very grateful.
Click on Read More for more of this story.
Also, David Liao's photos from the Conference are here.
Team members: Ian Ballantine, Helen Parker, Kevin Egan,. Carlo and Jenny from Moorabbin. Mathew Gibney from Rotaract. Other helpers and visitors: Helen Nodrum and Grant Perry, Ron Brownlees Cars in queue: 2. Night parkers : 1 Pedestrian count 1321 Market Report: Fine morning with chilly start. Thanks especially to Helen N for coming bright and early to help with tables and racks and set up.
Two newbies today in Kevin and Helen P - presented a real challenge for the leader! A pleasure having Mathew Gibney from Whitehorse Rotaract join us today. Helen and I look forward to catching up with him in Singapore.
Generally, no issues today and thanks to everyone for a great morning.
Leader, Ian Ballantine
Note from the Editor re Images and Events
A point regarding the submission of images for the Bulletin and Website: Members are reminded that images have to meet a minimum size requirement, as has been specified for some time in the section at the bottom of this Bulletin. 820 pixels is the minimum size required with larger being better as this allows for cropping. The submission of images via MMS is NOT preferred as they are too small and of inferior quality. Email or Whatsapp is preferred.
Would any member like to take responsibility for the updating of the Club's Event Calendar? I have created a page of instructions here so it is very easy to take over.
Thank you, Ian Ballantine
I remind members that you are responsible for the information contained in the Club's database. This includes, birthdays, phone numbers, addresses etc etc. Even your own photo. You maintain this via this link.
Ian Ballantine
A reminder to members to keep checking the calendar of upcoming events for evening and perhaps, one day, daytime events.
Thank you for being a subscriber to our Weekly Club Bulletin. I try to have it published each week by Tuesday morning.
If you would like to have something included please contact me at and attach, as separate files, the words and any images (jpg files are fine, minimum width 820 pixels). Please DO NOT send information as pdf files.
Ian Ballantine, Editor.
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all current members (both active and honorary) of our Club.
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