Meeting This Week - we are at Cilantro 7am for 7.10am start
For full location details, please refer here.
The meeting will also be available on Zoom - details here
Edition 179
Monday, 5th August 2024
Message from our President - Tim's Tattles
Last Wednesday's meeting was hosted by the Cordon Bley apprentices . There was some exotic food including delicious oysters natural and prawns amongst many other sensational gourmet food.
We were served by students from the local schools who practiced their hospitality techniques on us. It all went well.
To lighten the evening Helen and Ian entertained us with some games. It was all good fun.
It was good to see that we had 5 guests for the evening that added to the ambience of the evening.
There is a Board meeting at my place at 7.30 Monday.,
I have spoken to Geoff Gartley about obtaining promoting us in the local Glen Eira news for the market and our club .
Yours in Rotary ‘The Magic of Rotary’
President Tim Lynch
Roster for the next 2 weeks
Meeting Chairman refer here for help
Note Market start time is 6.15am
Click on See all Rosters at right for future weeks. Members click here to see your own roster.
Meeting August 7th, 2024
Chairperson O'Brien, Peter
Cashier Impey, Jo
Cashier Perry, Grant
Regalia Loeliger, Sue
Meeting August 14th, 2024
Chairperson Kempton, Alan
Cashier Lucas, Margaret
cashier Soster, Karin
Regalia Langridge, Samantha
Market August 11th, 2024 2023
Market leader Perry, Grant
Assistant Langridge, Samantha
Assistant - Gartly, Geoff
Assistant - Loeliger, Sue
Market August 18th , 2024
Market leader Gledhill, Geoff
Assistant O'Brien, Peter
Assistant - Nodrum, Helen
This week's speaker / event
August 7th: Trish Carr, PP RC Box Hill Burwood, pictured right - Community Grants Program details here
Coming Speakers:
Minh Nguyen
ROMAC Southern Region Chair (Vic/Tas) pictured left
Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children - ROMAC details here
Please check the upcoming events on the Club website here
Please forward any events you want promoted to the Editor.
The Club is supporting the RYDA event for Cheltenham Secondary College on August 19 - would you like to help?
Details here
Linda was our chairperson for this evening’s meeting at Cilantro joined by partners, friends, and guests. Sam performed Invocation and the Toast to Rotary. Guests/friends included Rosie, Kirsten Oakley, Margaret Stoya, John and Desiree Levanson, and partners included June Egan, Leonie Ryan, Puja Mahajan, Ken Oakes, Sarah Bennett and Gary Ramage. It was a full house, with everyone enjoying a fabulous Cordon Bleu buffet prepared by Chef Barry, and a cohort of students who are completing their Certificate Level 4 in the Cordon Blue cookery school, backed up by students providing drinks and table service.
Julie was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Guests included Jenny Stone, Margaret Stoya, and James Grant. Glenda and Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Jo performed invocation and the toast to Rotary.
Ron was our chairperson for today's club meeting with a return to our favourite venue Cilantro. Guests included Kate and Jane from Riding for the Disabled, and our guest speaker Matthew Gibney from Rotaract. Apologies were received from Tony, Linda, Barry, Larry, Dee and John.
The following is a letter sent to the Club by Neil Soullier OAM, Chief Executive Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation.
Members are encouraged to read it so we can perhaps discuss down the track.
Inside Story is a program developed by the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation 25 years ago in conjunction with Victoria Police.
It’s an event where the public can be part of an audience to hear detailed stories on significant crimes committed in Victoria from current, serving Victoria Police detectives.
From the Calendar page here you can subscribe to the Club's event calendar.
This will result in the Club's calendar being added to your existing calendar subscriptions, thus ensuring that as an event is added (or modified) to the Club's calendar, it will appear on your phone, tablet etc. Calendars supported are Outlook, Google and Apple.
Take the link, Subscribe to Calendar, from the Calendar Page.
Team members: Ian Ballantine, Peter O’Brien, Kevin Egan, and Vivian and Carlo from Moorabbin RC. Other helpers and visitors: Charles Rener Cars in queue: 0. Night parkers : 0 Pedestrian count 1414 Market Report:Perfect day after chilly start. No issues to report. Great team on board today including “Billy” And thanks to Peter for filling in for Helen P today who was at work. Leader, Ian Ballantine
Note from the Editor re Images and Events
A point regarding the submission of images for the Bulletin and Website: Members are reminded that images have to meet a minimum size requirement, as has been specified for some time in the section at the bottom of this Bulletin. 820 pixels is the minimum size required with larger being better as this allows for cropping. The submission of images via MMS is NOT preferred as they are too small and of inferior quality. Email or Whatsapp is far superior.
Would any member like to take responsibility for the updating of the Club's Event Calendar? I have created a page of instructions here so it is very easy to take over.
Thank you, Ian Ballantine
I remind members that you are responsible for the information contained in the Club's database. This includes, birthdays, phone numbers, addresses etc etc. Even your own photo. You maintain this via this link.
Ian Ballantine
A reminder to members to keep checking the calendar of upcoming events for evening and perhaps, one day, daytime events.
Thank you for being a subscriber to our Weekly Club Bulletin. I try to have it published each week by Tuesday morning.
If you would like to have something included please contact me at and attach, as separate files, the words and any images (jpg files are fine, minimum width 820 pixels). Please DO NOT send information as pdf files.
Ian Ballantine, Editor.
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all current members (both active and honorary) of our Club.
subscribers. If you are a subscriber and wish to unsubscribe, please take the Unsubscibe link at the bottom of this email.
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