Meeting This Week - we are at Cilantro 7am for 7.10am start
For full location details, please refer here.
The meeting will also be available on Zoom - details here
Edition 182
Monday, 26th August 2024
Message from our President - Tim's Tattles
After much hard work we have obtained the presence of Tim Wilson who was a former Australian Commissioner for Human Rights, the former member for Goldstein and new liberal candidate for Goldstein. Tim will speak to us on the evening meeting of 4/9/24 ( A delicious Cordon Bleu dinner)about challenges confronting Australia. This promises to be an exciting meeting. This outstanding Australian should attract interest from the public and is a good opportunity to invite guests and prospective members for the evening.
(Please click here for details of this evening. NOTE, use the On Line Registration link to reserve your place as we will be limited for numbers - Ed).
This Wednesday we are fortunate to have our bulletin editor to speak to us about our club website , how to it works and so on. Its a bit of a mystery to me consequently I am looking forward to it with the hope that I will be able to access more information/data from it. The lovely Faye Weeks will not be joining us this Wednesday. Faye is booked in for a hip replacement Wednesday morning and by the time I speak to you her surgery will be well underway. All the best Faye!
Yours in Rotary ‘The Magic of Rotary’
President Tim Lynch
Board Motions
The following motion will be put to the members at this week's Club Meeting:
That the Board of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central support a donation of $5,000 for the Applied Learning Awards and that this be taken to the club members for approval. (This motion will be voted upon by members at this week's (28th August) meeting.)
Roster for the next 2 weeks
Meeting Chairman refer here for help
Note Market start time is 6.15am
Click on See all Rosters at right for future weeks. Members click here to see your own roster.
Meeting August 28th , 2024
Chairperson Weeks, Faye
Cashier / Regalia Brownlees, Ron
Cashier/regalia Mason, Dee
Regalia Kane, Terry
Meeting Sept. 4th, 2024
Chairperson Gartly, Geoff
Cashier Nodrum, Helen
Cashier Reid, Julie
Regalia Ballantine, Ian
Market September 1st, 2024
Market leader Moran, Tim
Assistant - Oliver, Barry
Assistant - Impey, Jo
Market Sept 8th, 2024
Market Leader Nodrum, Helen
Assistant Kruss, Neville
Assistant Soster, Karin
This week's speaker / event
Coming Speakers:
This week - 28th August Ian Ballantine will provide a long overdue information session on the Club Website with some reference to District and RI websites.
Please refer email to all members sent July 23rd
More details here
Next week - 28th August EVENING Meeting Guest speaker Tim Wilson, former member for the Federal seat of Goldstein. President Tim has invited Tim to speak to us - topic: "The challenges facing Australia" .
Paul Ferguson, was our chairperson for today's club meeting at Cilantro. Tony Ryan and Charles Rener joined the meeting via Zoom. Barry Oliver performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia. Guests included Jenny Stone, June Egan, and Don Elgin - our guest speaker for today's meeting. President Tim announced apologies were received from Kellie Carruthers, Greg O'Shea, Glenda Oram, Helen Nodrum, Linda O'Brien, Faye Weeks, and Sam Langridge.
The following message was received from Minh Nguyen who attended our Club Meeting on the 14th August.
Dear All, I would like to thank all of you at the Rotary Club of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central for giving me the opportunity to present ROMAC to you last week and your donation of $2000 to ROMAC. Such generosity is very needed and meaningful. It certainly gives us, the volunteer Rotarians, encouragement in continuing the work in giving life-changing opportunities to those disadvantaged children. The club atmosphere was fun, friendly, relaxing but not lacking its class despite the early hours. I enjoyed it. Thanks to all.
A number of Club members attended a RYDA (Rotary Youth Driving Awareness) event held at the Sandown Greyhound Facility.
In attendance were Helen Nodrum, Grant Perry, Peter O'Brien, Jenny Stone, Ian Ballantine and Bruce Fitcher (Moorabbin Rotary Club). Helen Parker also came along as an observer and supporter for Jenny.
This was the first time our Club has been involved with RYDA. The school we sponsored was the Cheltenham Secondary College and there were about 115 students and a further 10 or so staff. We hope to have a couple of the participants come along to a Club meeting in the near future to tell of their experience.
I can assure you that all of us were very impressed by the program and were very proud of our Club for sponsoring the day.
Our new club member, Kevin Egan, was our chairperson for this week's club meeting at Cilantro. Charles, Tony and Helen N joined the meeting via Zoom. Guests included James Grant and Jenny Stone, and Min Nguyen - our guest speaker. Apologies were received from Helen P, Linda, John, Dee, Alan and Faye.
Peter O'Brien was chairperson at this week's club meeting at Cilantro. Charles and Karin attended via Zoom. Guests included James Grant, and Jean. Special birthday greetings for Linda O'Brien who celebrates her birthday today.
GUEST SPEAKER - Trish Carr - Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood
Linda was our chairperson for this evening’s meeting at Cilantro joined by partners, friends, and guests. Sam performed Invocation and the Toast to Rotary. Guests/friends included Rosie, Kirsten Oakley, Margaret Stoya, John and Desiree Levanson, and partners included June Egan, Leonie Ryan, Puja Mahajan, Ken Oakes, Sarah Bennett and Gary Ramage. It was a full house, with everyone enjoying a fabulous Cordon Bleu buffet prepared by Chef Barry, and a cohort of students who are completing their Certificate Level 4 in the Cordon Blue cookery school, backed up by students providing drinks and table service.
From the Calendar page here you can subscribe to the Club's event calendar.
This will result in the Club's calendar being added to your existing calendar subscriptions, thus ensuring that as an event is added (or modified) to the Club's calendar, it will appear on your phone, tablet etc. Calendars supported are Outlook, Google and Apple.
Take the link, Subscribe to Calendar, from the Calendar Page.
Team members: Geoff GledhillPeter O’Brien, Tim Lynch, Charles Rener, Bruce from Moorabbin RC. Other helpers and visitors: Sam Langridge Cars in queue: 0. Night parkers : 1 Pedestrian count Market Report: A steady morning without a fully booked market. Weather held out for us. Six enquiries about booking stalls. Coles manager was having a sook over the parking situation again blaming us for reducing his customer count. Best if we encourage stall holders to park in the next car park up from Coles. Leader, Geoff Gledhill
Note from the Editor re Images and Events
A point regarding the submission of images for the Bulletin and Website: Members are reminded that images have to meet a minimum size requirement, as has been specified for some time in the section at the bottom of this Bulletin. 820 pixels is the minimum size required with larger being better as this allows for cropping. The submission of images via MMS is NOT preferred as they are too small and of inferior quality. Email or Whatsapp is far superior.
Would any member like to take responsibility for the updating of the Club's Event Calendar? I have created a page of instructions here so it is very easy to take over.
Thank you, Ian Ballantine
I remind members that you are responsible for the information contained in the Club's database. This includes, birthdays, phone numbers, addresses etc etc. Even your own photo. You maintain this via this link.
Ian Ballantine
A reminder to members to keep checking the calendar of upcoming events for evening and perhaps, one day, daytime events.
Thank you for being a subscriber to our Weekly Club Bulletin. I try to have it published each week by Tuesday morning.
If you would like to have something included please contact me at and attach, as separate files, the words and any images (jpg files are fine, minimum width 820 pixels). Please DO NOT send information as pdf files.
Ian Ballantine, Editor.
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all current members (both active and honorary) of our Club.
subscribers. If you are a subscriber and wish to unsubscribe, please take the Unsubscibe link at the bottom of this email.
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