Larry was our chairperson for today’s club meeting and AGM at Cilantro. Alan performed the invocation and Tim L performed the loyal toast. Charles and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom.
Margaret announced D.G. Ken Miller advised our club grant application for equipment for Bethlehem Hospital has been approved. Margaret acknowledged Community Committee Chair Linda for all her hard work on this grant application.
Club members are invited to listen to an interview with RI President 2024/25 – Stephanie Urchick on Sunday 27 November at 10am-11am – the interview will be conducted online by Past RI President Ian Riseley as a 1 hour special to celebrate Foundation Month. Secretary Neville will email details to club members with a link to register.
Our club received a Bronze Award from Shelter Box in recognition of our club’s support for Shelter Box.
President Margaret reminded everyone next week’s meeting Wed 30/11 is an evening meeting at Cilantro commencing at 6.30pm, the meeting on Wed 7/12 will be at Flight Deck at Moorabbin Airport commencing 7.30am – to be followed by a tour of the Aviation Museum, and the club’s end of year social get together on Sunday 11/12 will be held at Packer Park, Carnegie. The social get together will be the club’s last meeting for the year.
Club members are invited to listen to an interview with RI President 2024/25 – Stephanie Urchick on Sunday 27 November at 10am-11am – the interview will be conducted online by Past RI President Ian Riseley as a 1 hour special to celebrate Foundation Month. Secretary Neville will email details to club members with a link to register.
Our club received a Bronze Award from Shelter Box in recognition of our club’s support for Shelter Box.
President Margaret reminded everyone next week’s meeting Wed 30/11 is an evening meeting at Cilantro commencing at 6.30pm, the meeting on Wed 7/12 will be at Flight Deck at Moorabbin Airport commencing 7.30am – to be followed by a tour of the Aviation Museum, and the club’s end of year social get together on Sunday 11/12 will be held at Packer Park, Carnegie. The social get together will be the club’s last meeting for the year.
DISTRICT CONFERENCE 3-5 March 2023 – Gail Anderson – R.C. Beaumaris
Gail attended this morning to promote and outline events for next year’s district conference in Canberra – 3-5 March 2023. The conference theme is Diversity and has an excellent line up of guest speakers including Professor Brett Sutton, Dr Dinesh Palipana, Rob Evans, Tina McInerney and Rotarians. Early bird registrations at $245 ends 30/11 before increasing to $295. 242 people have registered so far. The conference commences on Friday 3/3 with a sports day with Golf and Bowls, a continental brunch at the National Gallery, a hop on hop off bus touring major points of interest in Canberra, followed by club dinners on the Friday evening. Saturday 4/3 will see plenary sessions ahead of the Gala Night Dinner in the Great Hall at Parliament House with a dress theme – dress for your favourite era “Across the Ages” . A special Rotary Breakfast is available on Sunday morning 5/3, followed by further plenary sessions, before closing at 1pm. Discounted accommodation rates have been negotiated with various ‘Doma’ hotels – enquiries to Lynn Whelan. Gail concluded with a short promotional video for the conference. Further details are available on the District Conference website.
This event has returned this year post Covid and will be held on Sunday 4/12. Funds raised will support the Monash Children’s Cancer Centre.
The board approved a donation of $5,000 for Interplast at the last board meeting. In accordance with club standing orders, club members were asked to cast their vote to support the donation, which was passed unanimously. Funds will be used for training medical staff in Suva, Fiji.
BENTLEIGH FESTIVAL – Sunday 20 November - Larry
Larry provided a brief outline of day’s activities at the Bentleigh Festival on Sunday 20/11 – the first festival since Covid. The day was intercepted with showers, but this did not stop thousands of people attending and enjoying the festivities. Greg’s family provided face painting. Our club had a Rotary marquee with promotional material for distribution with volunteer support coming from Jo, Helen, Greg, Geoff and Larry.
The traffic school in East Boundary Road will close. Helen received a late call for assistance with disposing more than 100 children’s bikes. Some need repairing, however, the remaining bikes in good order will be taken to Rochester Rotary Club for distribution to children who have lost their bikes during the recent floods.
AGM of Bentleigh Moorabbin Central Inc Rotary Club and the Incorporated Association – Chair Larry Green
The agenda was distributed to all club members present at today’s AGM meeting. Larry announced the nominations for the Election of Office Bearers and Directors for the next Rotary year; all of which were accepted and voted by club members unopposed. Tony Ryan conducted the AGM of BMC Inc and the Incorporated Association. Secretary Neville will prepare and distribute the minutes of today’s AGM to all club members within the next few days.
ROSTERS – Upcoming club rosters were announced.
President Margaret closed the meeting with this year’s Rotary theme – Engage Rotary