Posted by Linda O'Brien on Aug 19, 2022
Following the Club's recent donation, Marriot Services have received the new projector and have demonstrated it at their recent Expo
The followeing note has been received from Kellie Carruthers, Customer Engagement Manager
I am pleased to say the projector has arrived and we have used it for the first Expo we have attended in a few years . I have attached the good news story above for the team . However, I would like on Behalf of Marriott to invite to view the projector working its magic at the day program (Wheatley Rd)at your convenience.
Please let me know when is most suitable to attend and I will arrange.
Thank you to Rotary once again – this has made a large impact on our community and will continue to do so for many years, I am sure.
See the story on the Expo.....
The Care expo was held at the Melbourne showgrounds this month & Marriott was one of the sponsors to take the stage and show our leap into new technology. Care expo is one of Australia’s leading expos for community care both across disability and aged care. It has over 1,500 people attend across the 2 days to discover a range of disability services available to help aid carers and people living with a disability. Marriott was proud to stand out in the crowd as one of only 2 services offering technology with Marriott holding the only sensory experience at the expo. At the expo we advertised our Sensory options, VR experience for programs and Robot technology, these and our community services of Day Service, RTI, ISP, support coordination and Supported employment ensure everyone had something to look at and play with.  This bought in a lot of questions and discussions surrounding Marriott and what we do in the community and why we are making the leap to technology as a benefit for our community. The time went fast as we spoke with many diverse people within the sector.