Posted by Karin Soster on Feb 08, 2023
Grant was our chairperson for today’s meeting at Cilantro.  Peter N performed Invocation, and Tony performed the Loyal Toast.  Charles joined the meeting via Zoom.
Today’s meeting focused on membership initiatives for attracting new members.
President Glenda
  • Tony has been appointed as officer to look after the Health and Well Being  of the Club
  • Karin will draft the roster for chairperson, cashier and regalia, a copy of which is also stored on the club website. 
  • John is collating everyone’s Rotary Story, and has requested club members to provide him with a precis of their life experience with Rotary – when they started, their experiences in Rotary, roles and committees they have represented, and what “you get out of Rotary”.  
  • Glenda accessed the online artificial intelligence Chat Box – Chat GBT and requested a Rotary marketing letter which Glenda subsequently read out – it was a fairly impressive letter, and may be used in our marketing initiatives.
  • Ian reminded everyone birthday and anniversary details announced each week are sourced from Club Runner.   Members are responsible for the accuracy and currency of their own details - Ian provided a demonstration for accessing and updating member details in Club Runner. 
  • Greg thanked everyone who helped out with the BBQ at last Saturday’s Beachside Gift.   It was a successful day, with the funds raised put to the Beachside Gift.
MEMBERSHIP – with Larry as convenor and Tim L scribing.
Below are the main points that came of today’s meeting:
  • Consider target groups to approach
  • Seek corporate memberships
  • Form partnerships with organisations that have benefited from club donations for an ongoing relationship
  • Request organisations that have received a club donation to complete a form outlining how the funds will be used, the benefits derived and how people’s lives are changed – the comments could be used for marketing and promotion
  • Whilst our market is our source for fundraising – emphasis for promoting Rotary and our club should be on the benefits of Rotary and what we are able to do, rather than emphasise the market  i.e. change the narrative.
  • Seek out great speakers that will attract people and potential members to attend. 
  • Cilantro is our home base for most meetings, however, other venues could be considered for special meetings.  Hold evening meetings where a special guest speaker will attend – and invite partners, friends and potential members.  Use these meetings to promote Rotary.
  • Devise a strategy for approaching organisations and potential members – and follow up
  • Suggestion to reduce membership fees for the first year for new members
The underlying message is Rotary is an organisation of individuals who operate as a TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More.
Wednesday 22/2 – Evening meeting at Cilantro with Tim Mason from Beachside Gift
Wednesday 22/3 – Evening cocktail party at Cilantro as a membership drive
April – date tba - a meeting with Daryl Moran
June – tentative – meeting at Brighton Yacht Club
ROSTERS – Next week’s rosters were announced
INVITATION – Nick from Glen Eira SES has an open invitation for club members to visit SES to meet fellow members and find out more about what they do – they meet on Monday nights.
MEETING CLOSE: Glenda closed the meeting with our current them – Imagine Rotary, and imagine what we could do if we have more members.