Tim L was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro. After performing Acknowledgement to Country, he called upon Glenda for invocation and Larry for the loyal toast. Tim welcomed guests Anna Mouradian, our frequent club visitor, and Kelly Crothers from Marriott Support Services. Charles R and Karin joined the meeting via Zoom. How lucky we are to have Zoom to keep members connected if unable to attend meetings in person. This morning’s meeting was devoted to fellowship since our guest speaker was unable to attend.
Marriott Support Services – club donation
- Glenda presented a club cheque for $14,900 to Kelly Crothers for Marriott Support Services to purchase a mobile interactive sensory projection system. Kelly explained it will be a valuable tool to help soothe and calm clients when they are overwhelmed or over excited. The projection system can be used for different settings, however, it is particularly beneficial for people with intellectual disability or autism. Marriott Support Services has been operating for 50 years in the field of Disability Services and offers a range of social enterprise services, providing employment for people from a diverse background of disabilities. They work collaboratively with NDIS and currently service 180 clients. Kelly and Ann-Maree Colborne, CEO, will return to the club after the projection system has been set up and provide a progress report. Club members will also be invited to visit Marriott Support Services for a breakfast meeting, and view their facilities and operations.
Club Donations
- Helen encouraged club members to visit organisations that have received club donations – and cited recent donations to Caulfield South Community Garden, the Danny Frawley Centre, and now Marriott Support Services – adding our club will meet at the premises of Marriott Support Services for a breakfast meeting.
Bentleigh Market Carpark Site – Council consultation
- The City of Glen Eira has commenced the 2nd round of community consultation with the general public, and welcomes input from everyone. Currently, the carpark does not have a plan and is waiting for community input before preparing a feasibility study. The council has visited the market, but generally, there has been very little engagement or direct consultation with our club. President Helen encouraged club members to be involved and provide commentary to the consultation process which finishes 2nd July.
Bay Speak Public Speaking Competition
- The finals will held this evening at St Leonard’s College at 6.30pm for 7pm. The participating students are very impressive and the competition standard is high – club members are encouraged to attend. The competition is being run in partnership with the R.C. of Brighton.
Next Club Meeting
- The next club meeting will be Club Changeover on 18 June in the rooms at St Kilda Football Club, Moorabbin. There is no club meeting next Wednesday 15/6.
RYLA Program
- The RYLA program will be held at Rawson Village 27/6 – 2/7. Club members are invited to attend the workshop on 29/6 and participate in the group activities with the RYLA participants. Lunch will be available at $28. President Helen is seeking a volunteer to pickup up Clare O’Brien, our club’s RYLA participant, at the end of the program on 2/7.
Launch Housing
- It is 5 years since our club purchased the house in Frankston that is being managed by Launch Housing. The arrangement with Launch Housing is due for renewal, and club members are welcome to contribute to the club discussion moving forward – the house is not controlled by a select few in the club - all club members have an equal say. A representative from Launch Housing will be the guest speaker at our club meeting on Wednesday 22/6.
Bentleigh Market Administrator - Ron
- The club board has approved the proposal to appoint a market administrator to run the Bentleigh Market. The administrator will report to the Market Committee which in turn reports to the board. Creating a position description outlining the role and responsibilities is the next stage of the process – President Helen welcomes input from club members wishing to be part of this process.
Rotary Anniversaries – 1 June 1995
- President Helen wished to acknowledge club members who were inaugural members when the Rotary Clubs of Bentleigh and Moorabbin Central merged on 1 June 1995 – Alan Kempton, John Mason, Tony Ryan, Ron Brownlees, Glenda Stahel, Grant Perry, Charles Rener, Larry Green, Karin Soster – and thanked them for their years of service.
District Changeover – Saturday 25/6
- Club members are reminded of the District Changeover on Sat 25/6 at Southern Golf Club, Lower Dandenong Road, Keysborough. Registration to attend closes on Monday 13/6.
Rotary International Conference, Canberra – May 2023
- The early bird registration rate of $425 finishes today 8/6, and moves to the next level $475 – club members planning to attend need to get in early before this 2nd level increases to the next level later this year.
BMC Club Changeover
- PE Margaret reminded everyone today is the last available day for reporting dietary requirements. She is expecting 70 people to attend.
Aden Gartly
- Jo mentions, Aden Gartly, Geoff’s son, turns age 21 very soon – and suggested the club issue a card. Aden is a former Rotary Youth Exchange student who travelled to Finland during his exchange year in 2017.
Board Meeting - Neville
- Secretary Neville reminded board members of the board meeting for next Wednesday night. Incoming board members for 2022-2023 are invited to attend – please bring a plate.
- Neville also mentioned the club meeting bell has been updated with names of recent former club presidents engraved on the bell.
Bentleigh Market Operations - Ron
- Ron asked club members to exercise care when handling the bollard tapes when setting up and dismantling at the market as they are easily damaged and an expense to replace. Ron is aware the public sometimes move then to access or leave the market – and suggested members who are rostered for the day to walk the footpath everyone now and then and keep an eye on them.
- Ron reminded club members to know when they are rostered for market duty, and to turn up.
Club Birthdays – Birthday wishes were extended to Alan K.
Sergeant Session – Sergeant John Mason
- John explained his health issues and management – our thoughts are with you John and Margaret, and hope this works well, and that you can continue to live a life of normalcy and enjoyment for yourselves. Sergeant John then brought out his book of fines and commenced fining everyone mercilessly if you didn’t have the correct response!!. Men who didn’t do the dishes were fined (or was it the other way around?? – who can recall?) Alan was fined for not knowing the number of black stripes on the Collingwood jumper (something he should know being a Magpie supporter), Geelong supporters were fined for not knowing the number of blue stripes on the Geelong jumper. St Kilda fans were fined because the Saints didn’t play last week. Jo was fined for not having a car for a couple of days - something about a Tesla?? So ended the fine session - John forewarned everyone to be ready - the next session will be a test on Rotary.
The meeting was closed.