Posted by Karin Soster on Aug 28, 2024
Helen Nodrum was chairperson for today's club meeting.  Alan Kempton performed invocation and the toast to Rotary and Australia.  Charles attended via Zoom,  and Lili De Brango from Holmesglen attended as a guest.  Apologies were received from Terry Kane, Fr James Grant, Kevin Egan and Linda O'Brien.   We wish Faye Weeks all the best for her upcoming surgery.
Julie Reid presented a motion for club members to vote and moved that our club provide $5,000 for this year's ALA Awards.    Seconded:  Peter O'Brien.   The motion was carried.
Julie mentions her Youth and Vocation Committee are considering providing a further $2,500 which will enable our club to sponsor the entire event.  The additional amount would provide catering for the event.  
Board Meeting - Tim reminded the board of the next week's board meeting - Monday 2/9 at his home commencing 7:30pm
Club Evening Meeting Wed 4/9 - Tim Wilson will be our guest speaker for next week's evening club meeting at Cilantro.    Tim Wilson plans to present on The Challenges facing Australia.    Members planning to attend will need to register - a link is available on the club website.   Member partners, family, friends and guests are welcome to attend the meeting which will include a dinner prepared by Cordon Bleu students at Holmesglen.
National Trust Dinner - Peter O'Brien
Peter and Linda attended a National Trust Dinner last week at the Gulf Station in the Yarra Valley and came back with three recipe books for giveaways.   The recipe books are unique with recipes handed down through the ages by members and friends of the original Gulf Station family. 
RYDA - Ian Ballantine
Our club received great feedback and a note of thanks from RYDA for our club's participance at last week's RYDA event at Sandown for Cheltenham Secondary College.   The next RYDA event will be held at Sandown on Tuesday 15/10.  
GUEST SPEAKER - PDG and Club Member Ian Ballantine
Ian presented on our club website to provide club members with an overview of our website, what is displayed and how to navigate the website.   Our club website uses Club Runner - a website template designed by Rotarians in the US.   
The front page public view was displayed - which anyone can access from the web.   Information on the front page has static information (info that doesn't change much such as our club meeting location), and dynamic information (info that is constantly updated such as club events, club rosters, added stories, club meeting reports etc).   
The front page displays information in 3 columns with a Centre Column, a Left Column, and a Right Column - Ian demonstrated how to navigate the page and how to access further information by scrolling, clicking on links, and tabs.  However, our website presents differently on a mobile handset with information displayed in only one column that requires users to scroll down to see all the information. 
Our club website is a great resource for showcasing our club and Ian encourages members to submit stories and photos for any Rotary programs and events and he will add them to the website.   Photos of 1500 pixels are preferred.  What's App is a great app for transferring information and photos.  
Ian touched briefly on the Member Area, the login process, with a quick look at Documents, and displayed how to access and view the minutes of our club board meetings.     
Time was running short - so a further session on the Member Area on the website is planned.
Anyone having issues with logging in should contact Ian for assistance. 
BMC Board meeting Minutes - Secretary Karin advises members can access board meeting minutes on the club website, after they have been ratified at the following month's club board meeting.  
Thank you Ian for your presentation - a much needed session and we look forward to the next one.