Sue was our chairperson for today’s club meeting at Cilantro, and also did a double act of performing Invocation and a toast to Rotary and Australia. Charles joined the meeting via Zoom. Another lovely breakfast with a superb selection was prepared by the students and budding chefs of The Cordon Bleu Cookery School.
Today’s meeting was also our club’s Annual General Meeting.
Club Meeting Wed 29/11 - Ron reminded club members next week’s club meeting is an evening meeting at Cilantro with guest speaker – author Lorraine Stephens.
Sunday 10/12 – is the date for our club’s end of year event at the Dendy Café in Dendy Park. A reminder to please let Sam know if planning to attend. Cost is $30 per head for a BBQ lunch, with payment required by 29/11.
Monday 11/12 – is the date for our club’s next board meeting.
ARH – Our club received a Recognition Certificate from ARH (Australia Rotary Health), for our club’s $5,000 donation to fund an ARH Scholarship
Shelterbox – Our club also received Bronze Champion Award for our recent donation to Shelterbox.
Mont Albert and Surrey Hills club meeting – Ron attended a meeting at MASH last night where Jordan Vella was the guest speaker who spoke about the ARH Foundation, mental health, and the importance of sports people, referencing footballers, to have a plan for their future post active competition sport.
Tony Ryan, and with the assistance of Larry Green, chaired today’s Annual General Meeting. Apologies were received from Helen Parker, Geoff Gledhill, Barry Oliver, Linda O’Brien, Faye Weeks, Roy Kaplan, Glenda Stahel and Terry Kane.
The agenda, minutes of the previous year’s AGM, and financials were forwarded to club members prior to today’s meeting.
The minutes of the previous year’s AGM were accepted on amendment and the financials were accepted. Nominations for next year’s board as listed in the agenda were announced, and as there were no further nominations for any of the positions, all nominations as presented were accepted. A very warm congratulations to Tim Lynch who will be our Club President for 2024 – 2025, and the other incoming board members – Vice President Linda O’Brien, Treasurer Sue Loeliger, and Secretary Neville Kruss; and directors Terry Kane and Julie Reid who commence a 2 year term from 1 July 2024. Ron Brownlees will be Immediate Past President, and Larry Green and Tim Lynch will serve out their 2nd year, with Tim serving his 2nd year as President. The role of President Nominee remains open.
Secretary Neville will prepare and distribute the minutes for today’s AGM.
Highland Foundation – Sue Loeliger
- A representative from the Highland Foundation will be a guest speaker at a future club meeting. Sue asked club members to inform guests who attended the high tea as they are most welcome to attend and learn a little more about the Highland Foundation and how the funds raised will be used.
Bentleigh Market Roster – Peter O’Brien
- A new roster will be issued within the next week.
President Ron closed the meeting with this year’s theme – Go and out and Create Hope in the World.